Friday, July 29, 2011


I just read an interesting blog post:

The things I hear about food in America scares me. It's not just the US though. I recently watched Jamie's School Dinners and couldn't believe what I was watching. There's a serious food problem happening in our society, and I think Australia is going pretty well, but is probably also going downhill. The stats are alarming (read that blog post). There are places in America where there aren't supermarkets, let alone fresh food?! Kids can't name basic fruit and veg by sight?! What's going on?

I recently heard that my high school closed down the food technology faculty. You no longer do cooking in years 7 and 8. We should be cooking at school from kindergarten on. And gardening! Is all that calculus actually useful? I eat food at least three times a day.

Completely incoherent, unstructured post. Sorry about that.


  1. I agree. Food is a huge issue and it gets no time in our schools or childhoods. THen we are bombarded in the media with the Masterchef style shows, which skew it again and make food into something to worship (I think).

    Schools are dumb places. THe whole of school is getting more and more theoretical. We are expected to teach about food, but get little opportunit to handle it. It's a joke. The same with gardening. I still maintain that if we want kids to learn anything worthwhile we need to start clubs and stuff outside of school.

    Having said that, though, I think that gardening and food should be the realm of the community outside of school. I would love for people I live near to be able to work together more around food. What a great opportunity that would afford to share the gospel.

  2. As a reluctant Food Tech teacher I feel the need to throw in my 2 cents worth! I AGREEE! But I do think that it is the Mums and Dads (and grandparents) who should be doing the majority of the food educating.


    I would suggest that that phrase itself is an expression of the very mind-set that has created the problem in the first place.

    Meanwhile our entire "culture" is now constructed to dumb down the intrinsic or latent potential of our children, especially via the 24/7 presence of TV. The dumbing do

    The dumbing down process begins as soon as a child/baby is placed in front of a TV set. Did you know that in the USA there are cable TV channels produced specifically for TWO year olds! And that computers are now being produced for two year olds too.

    One book which addresses this problem, and who are the corporate villains behind it is: This Little Kiddy Went To Market by Sharon Beder.

    Plus an even more disturbing book is a book titled: Evolutions End which is introduced here:
