Anyway, on one of my favourite blogs I just read about yet another
A.N. Wilson is a leading British intellectual who wrote influential books in the 1990's attacking the Bible and Christianity. However, last year he announced that he now believed that Jesus did rise from the dead.And he is now a Christian. Which is wonderful news!. The blog has more links.
Jesus rising from the dead is what Christianity hangs on, as we know from 1 Cor 15 in particular. And the historical evidence for it is good. In fact, it is so good, that former NSW supreme court judge Ken Handley has said that if the matter of whether the resurrection happened came up in a NSW court today, based on the evidence he thinks it would pass.
This is astonishing. The event happened 2000 years ago, yet the evidence is good enough to hold up in court! This too is wonderful news, and great comfort for christians. It's also terribly sad that people ignore the evidence. I have friends who say "I've got to see to believe", but still don't, based on this sort of thing. On that basis one would also refuse to believe in Napoleon...
I have a copy of the article if anyone wants it. Just email me. It's from the old Matthias Media Kategoria, Spring '99 issue.
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