Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are we too Christocentric?

Do you ever wonder this?

At my old church in Wollongong, the slogan was 'to know Christ and make Him known'. I was always a little worried that the Father was not mentioned at all.

You can argue your way out of course: Christ is our access to God: our mediator. Jesus said that if you know him you know the Father. Of those who thought they were Christians but didn't 'get in' he says 'Truthfully, I never knew you' etc.

But surely the whole trajectory of the metanarrative of this universe is to know God. Isn't it?

Think of the parable of the travelling owner (or whatever the Bible editors call it). The owner of a place is away and so he lets it out. He sends his people to check on the place every so often, but the tenants beat them up and send them back. Eventually he sends his Son, and they kill him. When the owner returns he's furious, and his wrath is poured out on these evil tenants.

The whole point is the status of the tenants' relationship with the owner right?

And think of the Old Covenant. Jesus was completely absent (you know what I mean!). It was all about the peoples' relationship with God the Father. The original sin was committed against God.

The more I think, the more examples I can come up with. There's no argument to be had on this point. The entire point of everything is about our relationship with God.

So are we too focussed on the mediator?

Do we neglect God the father?


  1. What about the Holy Spirit? Definately the most neglected member of the Trinity if you ask me!!!!

  2. Hah, thanks for the comment Jenny. I agree with you in part. Though people who emphasise the Holy Spirit might also do so at the cost of right reverence to God the Father.

    Just as Jesus died to bring us to God, I believe the Holy Spirit lives in us for similar reasons. And so worshipping him at the cost of the Father would be, I believe, similarly wrong.

    That being said, I agree with you completely. Just as it would be wrong to ignore Jesus saying "It's all about God the Father", I think it's wrong to ignore the Holy Spirit saying "It's all about Jesus"!

    Thanks again
