Sunday, March 25, 2012


At the end of last year I read a book by an American minister called 'Radical: Taking back your faith from the American dream'. 
It's short and easy to read.  It's written in accessible language and is pretty easy for anyone to read.

I was challenged by this book to consider how I'm living for God in this world.  Like 'Generous Justice' by Tim Keller and 'Crazy Love' by Francis Chan, I was challenged to think about whether my life is really just a sell out and whether or not my ideas are being defined by the Bible or my culture.

I think that the way I live my life is too defined by my culture.  My views on money, in particular, are prone to be very heavily influenced by the society in which I live as opposed to the God whom I serve.  I still think of my time, my family and my home as my own.  They're not. 

Too often, I think, we read the Bible as if it doesn't mean what it says.  We read what Jesus has to say and then we tell ourselves that that isn't what it means for us today, it's what it meant for them back then.  Or just one person back then.  But we call ourselves evangelicals, which by definition means that we take the Word seriously as our highest authority.

I'm trying to read the Bible through with fresh eyes and thinking 'What is Jesus says what he means and means what he says?'  It's pretty shocking and confronting.  Christianity isn't meant to be a whole lot of fun, nor is it easy.  But it is worth it.  In every way, a thousand times over.

I strongly encourage you to read 'Radical'.  It's challenging and inspiring and finishes with a challenge that is a good step into taking your faith seriously.


  1. Is it charasmatic-friendly or more of a conservative read?? Would you lend it to me?

  2. I think it's any Christian friendly. It's friendly for anyone who wants to take the Bible seriously, anyway. Conservative or charismatic.

    I only have it on my Kindle, sorry, but I might buy a copy to lend out to people.
